So I haven't written in a while because there's nothing really new to report! Here's a summary of the month of October. I stuck to my diet, and started goin to the gym. I eat just about anything I want now and haven't gained at all- in fact I've lost just a tiny bit. I try to go to the gym 5 times a week, which is easy because I have a gym buddy! My neighbor across the street Cali has been going with me to Lady Fitness, and it makes it much easier to have someone to go with! So that's my weight up-date.
October has been a really fun month with the holiday! My parents did their annual Halloween party and Lara let us borrow a costume for Taylor-- we all had such a good time! Bella had to stay home though :(. In addition to my parents party, Lara started a new tradition that I think she should continue! We got to go to her house, eat dinner, play games, and take home AWESOME pumpkins. Taylor really did have such a fun time and he could not wait to carve his pumpkin! It was really fun, and saved us money! A few weeks after the pumpkin party we finally got to carve the pumpkins. Bella was scared of them before we carved em, but after she was fine!
The week before Halloween I caught the dreaded swine flu! I got it from my gym buddy! All it took was her coughing ONCE in my car and the next day I started feeling the symptoms and then another day went by and I was home from work and completely miserable! It really was one of the worst flus I've had in a long long time. I recommend the swine flu vaccination if possible, I wouldn't wish what I had on ANYONE. Tim was super sweet and although he got sick too, he ended up still being able to take care of me. I did end up getting a little sick of Bella because she has to be by my side constantly. I should have named her shadow. So I ended up still being contagious on Halloween. Tim and I turned out the lights and watched scary movies all day long, it was really nice! We weren't able to get Taylor though because we didn't want him to get what we had-- I really miss him! But at least we had the two parties before to celebrate Halloween with him. I dressed Bella up as a Lady Bug on Halloween just because I wanted SOMEONE in my house to dress up! She hates me when I do it, but I think it's too cute to not dress her up. So here are some catch up pictures!

Such shame...

She didn't even want to stand up

Our Little Champ!

My handsome boyfriend carving his scary pumpkin

So proud!

Oh I love his faces!

Taylor's ghost, Tim's skull, my kitty

He's pullin out the guts

Looking for more guts

Reachin in!

Do I REALLY have to smile?


More Witchapalooza at Gardner Village

And me!