I wanted to start documenting my HCG journey again, because it helped me in my first round bring everything into perspective, and keep a good dairy of my journey. I decided to do HCG again because of something my sister said... When she asked if I was still wanting to lose weight, I responded no, and she said "why not, no one said I could lose it, but I did". So I thought..... WHY NOT. I had lost about 10 pounds in November because I was sick so often, and I was going to the gym. I managed to keep that off through the holidays, but I was thinking that I was invincible, and began eating VERY VERY poorly. I mean when it was my birthday I had birthday cake and ice cream EVERY night (not a wise decision) and I began eating out almost five times a week (again not a wise decision). I had almost gained all of the weight I lost AFTER HCG back. So I decided to try HCG again to lose that, PLUS some. My ultimate goal is to wear a bikini come summer, and not just wear a bikini, but look damn good in it.
So I started HCG again on February 13, using that saturday and sunday as my load days. I went all out, I even had golden tree as my final meal! I had gone up to 159 pounds with all of the loading (It was hard to be okay with that), but I started the 500 C a day diet on Monday, and come Tuesday morning I had almost lost 5 pounds... CRAZY! I've been stickin to the diet now for an entire week. So far I'm now at my lowest weight since I can seriously remember-- maybe since like elementary school? I'm keeping motivated by using the tricks I used last time, plus incorporating a few new things in. Like tonight I'm making shrimp stir fry with asparagus, I used to HATE shrimp-- but now I'll try it! I'm eating more green beans, and veggies I hadn't even tried before. I'm keeping my chicken exciting with new recipes, not just grilling it and eating broccoli. In fact, I still can't eat broccoli, it just makes me sick to think of. LOL. I had given myself enough of a break (4-5 months after stopping hcg) that I think I am doing well and I'm ready. I'm doing a much shorter round this time, since I have MUCH less weight to lose. I did 51 days total last time, I'm pushing myself to 26 this time, or until my HCG runs out-- which should be right around there. My ultimate goal is now 130-135-- I once said it was 150, but I've reached that, then I changed it to 140-- but I know I can do more. WHY NOT. I've always wanted to be healthy, and have one of those little waists that I've been envious of my entire life. I'm no longer the fat girl, but I still have mountains to move to reach where I'd like to be.
I still have 14ish days left on the diet, and 10-15 pounds to go! I know though if I don't reach it with HCG that I can reach it afterwards. After all, I did lose 10 pounds on my very own! So here are my stats!

Beginning weight::::::::::::::::::::::156
Current weight:::::::::::::::::::::::::145.6
Weight loss this round:::::::::::::::-10.4
Weight loss total:::::::::::::::::::::::-59.4lbs (wahoo!!)


lynandsky said...

I am going to school to become a nurse, and I have a million and one thoughts about this whole fad diet- but I will spare you and just say that I hope that you accomplish your goals. You look great and I know that you will achieve what you put your mind to. GOOD LUCK! Cant wait to see that stats and the results! You deserve it :D

Lara Phister said...

You have a smart sister!