So! I want to start this blog off as a story. Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was the youngest of a family of 5 siblings. All growing up she was a little "round". When you're 8 years old though, no one cares how much you weigh, children don't make fun. However once you hit 10 years old, that's when things start to change. The other children made fun of her because she was the "fat girl". She matured very early and this just made things worse. The boys would snicker behind her back, and she began to feel envious of all of the other little girls. Middle school came, and along with it came severe depression and a realization of what society expects of women. Her girlfriends were all so pretty, SO skinny, the boys loved them, but this little girl was never given any attention. She went through middle school loathing herself. High school came and she began accepting her own skin. She still didn't get attention from any of the boys, however she didn't care as much. Of course it hurt because all of her friends had boyfriends and she was constantly the third wheel- but she had things going for her in OTHER areas. She excelled in school, she loved the hard work, got good grades and learned that there is more to people then looks. Sure, good looks will get you so far, but your brain carries you the rest of the way. She still though could never shake the loathing of her own body. She did learn to hide it quite well, and to not think about it, but it was always there. After high school she went out to face the world. She could take on anything! She moved out and got a full time job. She began horrible eating habits. Eating out at LEAST once a day, sometimes twice. She wasn't as active as she was in high school. No soccer, no aerobics, just eating out an watching TV. She quickly gained more weight- but refused to see it. When she looked in the mirror she didn't see a fat person, she saw who she was on the inside. She met a young man who treated her like she deserved. Who never treated her like the fat girl like everyone else had. He loved her. She bought a house, bought a dog, and got a new job. She started becoming more active, and started eating out less and less. She quickly lost 10 pounds without even trying! She noticed how good it felt to LOSE weight instead of GAIN weight. Over the summer she had heard of people doing a new diet. One of her co-workers told her about it, and said she was going to do it. This girl had tried working out at the gym, tried eating right, but she could never stick to anything longer than a week. So she thought, why not try this fad diet, see where it takes me........
She started the diet weighing 193 lbs. She went on this diet for 48 days, had some struggles, but stuck to it. She ended up weighing 156lbs! Wow!!! She had really just lost almost 40 lbs. The people in her life were so excited!! She looked fantastic! She decided to take a break for the holidays, eat right, exercise but made a goal to not gain one oz back-- and she didn't. After her 23rd birthday, she started poor eating habits again. She began eating out frequently, and had birthday cake almost every night! She had lost a little weight since stopping the fad diet, but had gained it back after the birthday. She decided to do the fad diet one last time to see how low she could get. She did it for 26 days this time, did not have very many slip ups, and had a great success. She lost another 25 lbs!!!! She was no longer the fat girl! She felt GOOD in her skin. She didn't just accept herself, she felt GOOD with who she is. She has been dealing with the feelings of self hate that have been inside of her her entire life. It is hard to change who a person is-- but it is possible. The physical outside now matches the emotional inside!
So as you've guessed, this story is about me. Losing weight is MORE than just changing your physical appearance. It's dealing with feelings, thoughts, and ideas that you have had your entire life. It's developing a HEALTHY relationship with food, and your body. It's appreciating what everyone else takes for granted. It's re-teaching yourself how to love yourself, how to accept your flaws and just be happy with who you are. So...... here are some pictures of the "new" me. And here are my FINAL stats:

Day:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::The first day of the rest of my life (cliche I know)
Beginning weight::::::::::::::::::::::205
Current weight:::::::::::::::::::::::::130
Weight loss this round:::::::::::::::-25
Weight loss total:::::::::::::::::::::::-75 freaking pounds!!

Bust: Was: 43inches Now: 34inches (-10in)
Waist: Was: 41inches Now: 27inches (-14in)
Hip: Was: 46inches Now: 36inches (-10in)
Belly: Was: 43inches Now: 32inches (-10in)
Thigh: Was: 24inches Now: 16.5inches (-7.5in)
Bicep: Was: 14inches Now: 10inches (-4in)