Well I did it.... if any of you really know me, you know that when I want something- I get it-- even if it's not the BEST idea. I have in my house a 1 year old Russian Blue cat. I picked him up last night, along with everything a cat would need. We brought him home and got his new room settled (he gets the washroom until he and Bella can get along) and I opened his kennel and he RAN out! He got a drink of water, started eating, and just started exploring. This gave me false hope that he felt comfortable, so I let Bella in......BAD idea. She chased him downstairs, around the couch, and back up. Bella was put outside and poor kitty was back in his kennel, as far as he could get from the door. It was almost Bella's bedtime, so we put her away, and decided to leave Slate's door open hoping he'd come out and explore. Well.... he DID come out and started MEOWING! At first it was cute because he could make all sorts of different noises, but then it just became horrible. He would not stop. Tim and I both tried to get him to play with us, but he still wasn't comfortable. So we decided to shut our door and go to bed. Not such a good idea either, he came out of the washroom finally and started meowing and scratching our door. Needless to say this went on the ENTIRE night. And when I"d go to try to talk to him to comfort him Bella would wake up and start whining and crying. Tim went downstairs on the couch eventually because there was just no way to sleep with all the animal noises. Slate finally came in my room, and got brave enough to jump on my bed. (this was around 4:30 this morning) He actually fell asleep at the foot of my bed! He would wake up a few times and meow a little, but would go back to sleep. Tim came back up around 5:30 to check on us, which woke up the cat who began meowing again, which sent Tim BACK downstairs. Slate ended up UNDER the bed asleep and when I woke up I put him in his room and got Bella out of her room. Now I know this was his first night home, and he's probably beyond stressed with what he's been through, so I'm trying to be patient..... The whole point of fostering a cat that's GREAT with little dogs is so that Bella will have company and someone to play with! I guess I just play the waiting game until they realize they like each other. IF that doesn't happen, I can luckily take him back to the shelter (a no kill shelter here in Layton) and they will find a home he'd be happier in. so for now, if anyone has any ideas on how to get a cat to stop meowing at night, I'd GREATLY appreciate it! Here's a picture of him that was listed on Petfinder.com. He really is the prettiest cat I've ever seen! And he's very friendly, let's just hope he'll adjust to a new house!


lynandsky said...

Okay, now I know that wasn't the best night for you guys, but reading that story made my day. I am laughing my head off because I can just picture the events in my mind. Unfortunately I don't have any good cat advice (any time I mention getting a cat, Skyler starts talking about his shotgun or his 22 LOL - sort of) but I'm sure that the more you expose the cat and dog to each other, the less interested they will be...at lease that's how its always worked in my experience...