This is going to be a very sensitive blog for me.  One that's been in the making for the past 8 years of my life.  As time passes, I become more and more firm in the belief that the decision I'm making is correct.  I've spent much time reading, listening, talking, meditating, praying, and contemplating.  This decision is one that will surely cause tears in some of those in my life.  One that has caused far more tears in me then I have ever thought it would.  It was a painful decision.  A very well thought out decision.  One that I did not rush in to.  A decision, where the longer and deeper I thought about it, the more pain, and then peacefulness I've felt.  The decision has been made.  And now I'm dealing with the pain in the aftermath.  Not pain in my heart, but the pain I know it will cause others.  This is what's causing me pain.  I know that this was the right decision for me, I haven't ever been at more peace, or had more happiness.  I need this to be communicated clearly to my family.  I want to communicate my true thoughts and feelings to everyone before the rumors begin to spread.  I'm hopeful that untrue, hurtful rumors won't spread, however it's something I understand may happen.  I ask everyone to listen to me and avoid casting judgement.  I need my family to know the reason why I've chosen this, and I want them to understand I do know exactly what this may cause.  I'm preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.  I know that this decision has the potential to alienate me from those I love, those I grew up with, and those around me.  I understand this risk.   
I've left the LDS church.  I've left the church that my entire family has based their whole lives on.  I've deserted the faith that was instilled in me from the very beginning.  My whole world as I used to know it has crashed down on me.  I want it to be completely understood that I am not one bit bitter for being in the church.  I am NOT an anti-mormon.  I did not leave the church due to disagreement with another member, due to being offended, because I want to be "rebellious" and not follow the commandments, for my want to "sin", nor for lack of faith in God.   I have simply come to the very sad realization that the church is not what it claims to be, that its doctrine is false, and that the LDS church is not where I wish to be.  In Hamlet, Polonius gave his son the advice, "This above all, -- To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." For me, in being true to myself, I cannot "live a lie." Therefore, I can't align myself with the Mormon religion, even though it does have some beneficial teachings and enjoyable social experiences. I am VERY grateful for the way I was raised, and for the amazing family I have.  I'm grateful for the seed of service that the church taught me from an early age, that has helped me become a beautiful person.  I want you to know that I am not "Godless".  I am more spiritual now then I have ever been in my entire life.  I'm making this choice on my own.  I believe that there is a "higher power", that is not easily defined, and effects our lives in every possible way.  I also believe that no one has the right to tell anyone else that their way of worship is incorrect.  This has caused far too much pain, misunderstanding, and even death in this world.  I'm a firm believer of respect. 
The Eleventh Article of Faith states that the church allows all men the same privilege--to let everyone worship how, where, or what they may. I feel strongly about this for everyone. I will not talk to any of you about my beliefs or church history unless you ask about it first. And I hope that you will not preach Mormonism to me, unless I ask about it. I am sorry if I have let any of you down, or have "forgotten" who I am.  I assure you that I am the same person you knew before, and I am constantly trying to better myself.  "I must see my life as a work in progress, nothing about me is ever final". 
What I fear is that I will be known in my family as the "apostate".  That I will be talked down upon.  I'm scared that I'll lose connections with cousins, and more importantly my own siblings.  I know that this has caused quite a lot of hurt in my parents.  I am reminded every time I talk to my mother (which is become less and less frequent) of the failure she feels she's done at raising me.  I want nothing more than for her to realize she did an amazing job at raising me.  I'm a strong, beautiful, and caring member of our society.  I love and give respect to everyone.  I'm non-judgemental and long to serve my fellowman.  I know that we can get along, grow, respect each other's differences, socialize, and have happiness in this life we live in. Remember that we are nothing more than the sum of our experiences. You are, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is therefore to create--who and what you are, and then to experience that. And believe it or not, happiness does exist outside of the church; because the Mormons do not have the monopoly on truth.  I urge you to listen to your feelings.  Listen to your highest thoughts.  Listen to your experiences. In doing so we will all find our own truth. These are the things we should rely on--our own truth, knowledge, and experiences The purpose of the human soul is to experience all of it--so that it can be all of it. I look forward to every new experience.
Religion shouldn't be the only glue that holds a family together.  I am and will always be your loving sister, cousin, niece, aunt, and friend.  I will always have respect and love for you, as I know God will as well.  I just hope to have the same from you.  If I don't however, I know that I will continue to be the person I am, and be very proud of who I'm constantly becoming.

 So I've had quite a lot go down lately throughout life, since about my November Disneyland trip.  I figure pictures are the best way to show everything that's happened, so let's go ahead and get started:  (BTW, blogger is driving me nuts today and I can't seem to figure it out, so none of these are really in any particular order.... lame

Decorations for Brooke's Bachelorette Party
For my 25th birthday and Brooke's Bachelorette Party, we decided to head down to Vegas.  On Friday night we went out to dinner at Tao in the Venetian, so amazing, they gave me a fortune cookie for dessert (see below).  After dinner, we went adventuring, which means we went to the wax museum, and we went for a gondola ride in the Venetian.  Oh my merciful heavens, I just love my friends!  They spoiled me.  On the next night, we went to hooters for dinner (bachelorette celebration had begun) and we went to a male review show.... let the record state that I do NOT want strippers for my bachelorette party.  Awkward.... hilarious... but a kinda thing I'd only want to do once in my life time.  

Birthday at Tao, my fortune cookie cake

Brookie's wedding :)
 Brooke and Jonothan finally tied the knot!  It was a simple and very beautiful wedding.  I love these girls, and am so grateful for the strength, and good times they provide in my life :) 
Andy eyeballin' my birthday cake Ellie made for me
 Little roommate Ellie made me a birthday cake for my birthday!  I'm surprised it survived with the little scavender I have in my house (Andy).  It was so delicious!  Thanks Baby!
I made cake balls.... delicious
 I tried my hand at cake balls..... oh my merciful heavens they weren't cake balls, they were AMAZEBALLS.... I want one now, but I don't want to gain 10 pounds.
Reminds me of Boyfriend's van
 Boyfriend has a "ski mobile" that I like to refer to as a "free candy van".... so this makes me laugh

The "Wine Rack" from Gabby for Christmas
 Gabby got me a pretty legit present for Christmas, it's called the wine rack, you can store up to an entire bottle of wine in the bladder, WHILE having your breasts enhanced in size..... it's a win win situation.
My Christmas PJ's
 I got myself Christmas PJ's this year, I saw these in the little boy section and I just couldn't pass them up.  They need to start making cool clothes for adults too!
My mountain of clothes I collected, there were about six more bags that I collected later
 This is only part of the mountain of clothes I collected for the Road Home.  We ended up filling boyfriends ENTIRE van of bags.  I started counting everything, but that was taking way way way too long.  Next year I'm just going to try to beat the SIZE of the mountain.  :)
I can't help but laugh out loud when I read this
 Oh my pee.... this is my absolute favorite thing ever.
Finished Tattoo
 I got another tattoo!!  I absolutely love it.  It took about 6 hours total to complete.  Jared Preslar did this one for me too, I gave him an image of a tree, and I told him to put his own spin on it.... this is what he came up with.... absolutely gorgeous! 
First time boarding of the season, two days before Thanksgiving!
 The slopes opened up early this year, however we have NOT had the best snow season.  I went night boarding a few times a week just to get up there.  I go now usually about once or twice a week if I can, I had a bad knee injury in December, but I just brace my knee and try to not let it slow me down.  I've improved dramatically since last season, and I'm stoked to see where I can take this hobby. 
Ghost hunting tour with Gabby, Jeremy, and Boyfriend
 For Boyfriend's birthday (March 4th), we had quite the celebration.  We were supposed to go on a ghost tour of SLC that Friday night, but we ended up being a bit late, and just moved our celebration to Piper Down (my favorite bar).  We rescheduled the tour for the next week, and we made it this time! (barely)  It really was entertaining even though I was terrified.  I'd do it again :)
Having fun with my hair, sideways braid
 I like to play with my hair sometimes, I did this little number and thought it looked really good (and it was super easy) so I had to take a picture. 
Niece Kai's tree at Festival of Trees
 Three girls nights worth of making bows, and lots and lots and LOTS of other people contributing made Kai's tree look simply gorgeous.  We couldn't have done better.  It sold at Festival of Trees and all of the money went straight to Primary Children's.  I think I'm going to make this a tradition.
James' picture of how I see life (sunshine vomitting pink bunnies and rainbows)
 My very "real" (I call grump) friend James drew this picture for me, he says this is my view of life

Tattoo halfway done
 See, I told you this was out of order, but this is the tattoo, mid-finished

Taking my nephew snowboarding
 I took my nephew Braxton snowboarding, trying to teach him, learning that teaching takes a lot of patience.  Oh well, it's good to spend quality time with my nephew :)

When I was sick, little nurse Bella wouldn't leave my side.  She's a good dog sometimes
 I had the flu, or AIDS, or something horrible three weeks ago.  It totally knocked me out for a good four days.... I'm all better now though

Outline of Tattoo done
 Sitting in the chair at Jared's shop..... the outline looked pretty good :) (and hurt the most)

Pinata fun at New Years
 I was the DD for New Years (100% voluntary), so I decided to bring a pinata full of candy, mardi gras beads, fire crackers, and a few other things.... oh my heavens, best idea ever!

Powder Mountain
 This is just a view I get to see everytime I go to Powder :)

Powder Mountain Sign

New Roommate Clint
 I had a new roommate named Clint (same name as Boyfriend, which is part of the reason I call Boyfriend "Boyfriend" instead of Clint) move in in February, it seems like our little roommate family is now complete

Christmas present from Scott
 I saw this shirt in Disneyland and wanted it real real bad.  I googled it with no luck, but my friend Scott knew I wanted it.... so guess what he got me for Christmas?!  Best Christmas ever.

V-day present from my wifee Gabby
 Gabby surprised Ellie and I with this edible arrangement for Valentine's Day.  She really is the best BFF!

Gabby and I in Vegas
 Dancing in Vegas

Girls at Las Vegas

On the boat ride in the Venetian 

Boyfriend on his birthday, taking a break from skiing/boarding Brighton, drinking out of his birthday glass

We went to Brighton for Boyfriend's birthday this year.  I absolutely love riding with him :)  And his candy van is pretty legit when it comes to skiing.

So this is a good re-cap through pictures of the events happening in my life.  I've had a great winter, and can't wait to see what spring has in store!