I have succesfully made my page cute-- eh? Halloweeney!
Check me out, I'm kick-butt!
Another day successfully wasted at work. I honestly spent the entire afternoon figuring out this blog stuff, and can now say that I'm pretty confortable in the world of blogging-- until I figure out HTML even better that is. But honestly, I don't think that I want to. Life is far too short to waste on the internet ALL day-- maybe possibly while I'm at work with not a thing to do! Anyways, I'm about to pack up to head home to Tim- the office is on tonight! I can't wait to watch, it honestly is one of the highlights of my week! (Besides my Friday night dates of course!)
Much love to all!


Anonymous said...

Very cute blog! I love it!!!


Aleta McHardy said...

I am so mad!It is going to take me forever to figure out this blogging stuff! I'm glad that life is going so well for you though. I love you so much my Manda!