So yesterday I came to the firm conclusion that I am indeed solar powered. In the morning it was beautiful outside and I felt great... then came the rain clouds and my energy level went straight down and life wasn't quite as happy.... THEN the sun came out again and bam! My energy was back!
So what have I been up to lately?
Vegas! Once in February, the other time late May. Then Moab!! With my dear friends, it was a blast but the one thing I regret is not getting out more in nature, not in a jeep :) Next time I do moab, I'm taking my bike. Melissa moved out, and I got a new puppy! Her name is Andromeda and keeps me on my toes. I have a new roommate named Lebrian, who is a doll and adores my girls, she helps let them out for me during the day, and is a GREAT roommate. I need to keep more to-date on my blog, I just find it easier to post things on Facebook, so if you're not on my facebook, you's best find me! Lots of pictures, lots of tales, lots of happiness.
It's sun shining outside. I'm a happy girl :)