This picture has nothing to do with this post.... but look what I did in my jeep! Terrifying

If any of you follow my other blog (of which you ALL should), you'd know that I've lately been obsessed with bikram yoga. What is bikram yoga? Visit my blog to find out. I've almost now been doing it for a month. I've gone 3-5 times a week for the past four weeks. I am addicted. I absolutely love the way it makes me feel. Wanna know another unplanned perk? I'm in my skinny jeans. Oh, and they look amazing on me. I weigh about 15 lbs more than I did when I was in them last, because I am getting pretty fit. I'm healthy. I'm not starving myself to get skinny. I'm living my life, devoting a lot to exercise and eating right so that my body will never hold me back from accomplishing things. This world really has far too much to offer for me to have my body be a limitation.

My life has been revolving around the bikram studio on the weekdays, and the mountain on the weekends. I try to get as much snowboarding as I possibly can in. I'm signing up for a year membership at bikram, and I'm stoked. I also have decided that I need to put more effort into training for rock climbing, can you imagine how many adventures I could have doing that? Take my mountain bike out, and my climbing gear, and just explore! Gosh, it gives me goosebumps thinking about everything I'm going to be able to do with myself!

Also, on a side note, I got to go to Las Vegas for my birthday and for my best friend's bachelorette party.... Uh-Maze-Balls.... that's all I have to say. My friends took me to an amazing Thai restaurant at the Venitian for my birthday. Then we went on a gondola ride, (hard to do in a dress) and then did the wax museum. We topped off the night at a silly night club and then wandering the strip, ending up eating yummy soup at 2 am. The next day was devoted to the beautiful bride. We explored the strip again, went shopping, went to dinner, went to my first male review (please please please no one ever take me to one for my bachelorette party!) and danced our booties off at club moon (the feeling of just dancing with my besties is hard to top). It was a fantastic trip, easily the best trip I've ever had to Vegas. I'm a really lucky girl to have these ladies in my life!