Well it's been a while since my last post, a lot has changed in my life since then however I'm still not at a point where I know what's going on so I can't explain! BUT I want to keep a journal of the new diet that I'm doing, and I thought there's no better place!
On Wednesday night I began taking a form of HCG (yes the hormone found in pregnant women's urine). The idea is that the hormone triggers your body to start using up it's fat storage, most people who stick to it lose an average of 1lb a day, or 20-30 pounds in a 30 day period. It's no walk in the park, you have to stick to a very strict 500 calorie a day food consumption, and only eating certain things allowed. Here is a website that can explain everything a tad better than I can http://diyhcg.com/mm5/index.html
The first three days (which I'm just finishing up with today) are the "gorge" days where you eat anything you feel like, with absolutely no restrictions (sounds odd but keep reading). When you deprive the body of food that it's used to consuming, it sends it in "fasting" mode and will hold onto everything. However with HCG, it is almost the opposite, it triggers the body to start using the stored up fat. The reason they say "gorge" for the first three days is to trick the body, let the HCG get in your system and begin work before your body even has a chance to start holding onto it all. Anyways, sounds like too good to be true right? Well I started at (I feel perfectly comfortable telling my weight) 193lbs on Wednesday, on Thursday morning I was at 192, and then this morning when I woke up I was at 191. That's 2 pounds in not quite 2 days (and that's with eating donoughts for breakfast, fast food for lunch, and candy bars in between). Today is my last day on the "gorge" and I can think of no better "last meal" than CHINESE FOOD!!!
I start the 500 calorie diet at 5 tonight and will continue that for app. 30 days. There are very very strict guildines for everything in a book I have by the doctor who "created" this diet. This will be my basic day: Wake up, weigh in, take 1st set of HCG (did I mention you can take it by shot, or orally? I'm doing the oral) have a quick breakfast of crystal light (they say you can have tea or coffee but since neither really hit the spot with me I'll be having just a yummy bit of crystal light) at around 10 am I'll have a light fruit snack-- an apple, an orange, a few strawberries, whichever I feel like. At 12:15 I take a second dose of HCG and 20 minutes after that I can have a lunch which will consist of 1 protein of 3.3 oz, 1 veggie, and one "starch" (but a starch on this diet is like a wheat thin, or melba toast-- yuck). At around 2 or 3 I can have another fruit snack (not an actual fruit snack, but a REAL fruit. lol) and at 5 it's my last HCG dose followed by dinner about 20 minutes later (which is the same as lunch). The only "protiens" allowed are: chicken, veal, fresh white fish, shrimp and lean lean lean lean lean beef. People who do the 500 calorie a day diet without the HCG typically lose about 1/2lb per day, but combine the diet with the HCG and people lose between 3/4lb and 1 lb a day.
I have two other people doing this with me at work, which will help out QUITE a bit. Tim eats healthy most of the time anyways so I know being at home won't be hard. The thing that's hard about sticking to the diet is the "social" eating-- which is a major factor of our society. I have put together books for myself and the people at work that includes all of the information regarding the diet, daily logs, diet trackers, and recipes of the foods we can consume. I know that if I stick to this, I can do quite well. They recommend taking a break after about 30-35 days on the diet and slowly bringing back foods that were restricted before. They also recommend doing a 2nd cycle should you wish to lose more weight, and dependant upon how I do the first time, I feel I will try the 2nd cycle. However this diet isn't a cure all, you have to maintain a good life style, exercize, and self monitor.
So, in summary I'm very excited to begin this new chapter of my life, it has needed to be done for quite some time, and with enough motivation and control I believe I'm capable of almost anything. I'll be updating on this blog how everything is going throughout this process. I'd also like to throw an apology out there in case I may be a little "snappy" while on just 500 calories a day. I will try my hardest to not let it effect me. But come on, no chocolate? That's enough to make anyone a LITTLE cranky once in a while.

Day:::::::::::::::::::::: 2
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 191
difference::::::::::::: -2 lbs


Lara Phister said...

Good luck! I know a bunch of people who have done really well with the shots. My M-I-L is doing it right now. Have fun on your "apple days!"

Bearden Family said...

Good Luck Amanda!!!

lynandsky said...

Wow! I've heard of that lately while talking with the nurses and doctors at work, but I've never had it explained in that much detail. All I can say is GOOD LUCK!!! I don't think I could stick to a 500 calorie diet - amazing!

MissMandaPants said...

500 calories is actually easy to stick to, as long as you remember to take your HCG! And we'll see how I do on "apple days", for anyone who doesn't know, apple days are for "plateau breakers" You're basically supposed to just eat apples all day, up to 6. They also have what is known as "steak days" where you don't eat anything until dinner, at then have a large stake with an apple. I have quite a list of other "plateau breakers" it's odd, you're not even supposed to wear certain makeups..... There is quite a bit of detail going into this!