Well it has been just a few weeks since my last post. I got super burned out of the diet-- I stayed on it for 51 days!!! At day 51 I was so miserable and grouchy I just thought it best for all if I stopped. The first weekend I struggled and gained 2.5 pounds! BUT since then I've lost another five pounds-- and have been "maintaining" quite nicely. Here's the skinny of the diet now: Low carb (which is no sugar and no starch), and eat just about anything else! I am still losing a tad each day, between .2-.8 pounds a day which is fantastic because I hit another goal of 155!! (which is 15 pounds shy of my *ultimate* goal). I feel FANTASTIC, I am able to eat so many different things finally, and this diet has made me a..... gasp...... red meat eater!! I actually CRAVE steak. Which has never happened in my entire life. As we speak, I have New York steaks marinading in my fridge for tonight. I have a week and a few days of this diet left and then I can start incorporating regular foods back in SLOWLY. However I'm doing so great and FEELING so great I may do this phase a little longer to see if I can get down a little closer to my goal. None the less I have learned a few things from this diet.
1- I no longer crave things that I used to-- I haven't had chocolate in two months, and I'm quite fine with that.
2- I watch portions-- I no longer feel like I have to go back for a second plate (I use a smaller plate too, which helps trick my mind)
3- I drink at LEAST 72 oz of water a day, because that just makes me feel good!
4- I control what I eat, my theory is that over-processed snacks and foods, although quite tasty at the time, leave you feeling empty and wanting more. However home cooked- or healthy snacks leave you satisfied! Same goes for meals
5- I've worked my butt off (literally) to lose 38 pounds, and don't want to screw that up!
6- It's okay to indulge once in a while, and if you make a mistake you can fix it! It's not "the end" of a healthy life style if you splurge and eat a piece of cake. ENJOY that piece of cake, and understand that you CAN work that off, it's not the end of the world.
7- Food isn't supposed to cause us tummy aches-- if it does, you should think about cutting that food out of your diet. Is a bad night REALLY worth whatever you ate?
8- REAL cooking is quite healthy, it saves money, give you needed nutrients, and cuts out of processed junk.
9- I control my body weight. If I have a bad day (I had chinese food on Monday and gained .8 pounds!) I just start right back to eating healthy the next day (and I lost .6 pounds!). I have been learning which foods my body likes, and which have negative side effects.
10- sleep is key to a healthy diet, that's when our bodies repair themselves from the work we put them through.
So these are just a few of the things I have learned on my journey. I am joining a weight loss support group tonight with one of my good friends. She has been in it and has lost 30 pounds! I think it's important to consciously put effort in to our food, and the way we take care of our bodies. We're only given one-- and I've finally learned how to take care of it! I start at the gym in two weeks with one of my co-workers, I plan to "tone" my new body, and exercise just feels good! Plus, being active allows me to eat a few little treats without feeling guilty!
So here is a picture of me, well just my face, I took it two weeks ago, and since I took it I've lost about 2 more pounds, but you can see how different my face looks. My friend said that I've lost my "baby" cheeks. FINALLY! Oh and I'm almost in to a size 10, I should go and buy them very very soon, I never thought I'd get there!! So here are my stats...... for now!

Day:::::::::::::::::::::: I lost track. lol
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 155.8
difference::::::::::::: -38ish lbs


Bearden Family said...

Isn't it amazing what eating right can do for you. In different ways I have had to learn all of this for myself too.
You do look soooo good! I am proud of you. I know you have inspired other people. Great job!

lynandsky said...

You look amazing!! I don't think I'll be able to recognize you (I haven't seen you since you moved into your place). I want more pics though - full body, favorite "new" outfit, that type of thing :) You put your weight loss into perspective for me this post - you basically weigh what I do. I'm so happy for you!