I have app. 7 more days of HCG left in my bottle. That makes me happy!! However I had the worst week as far as weight loss goes :( I only lost 2.4 pounds the ENTIRE week. Of course I was on my period, but that shouldn't make THAT big of a difference! So today I get to do my first apple day (starting at lunch I eat ONLY apples, whenever I"m hungry I eat an apple, and that continues until tomorrow at lunch- you can only eat 6 apples though throughout that day) It's supposed to help your "stall" and with this being the last week that I"ll be on it, I'll be pretty sad if I get another loss of just 2.4. I feel like I"m getting sick too. Which is NEVER good on this diet because it makes it ten times worse! So we'll see what this next week brings. so here are the stats!
Day:::::::::::::::::::::: 47
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 158.0
difference::::::::::::: -35 lbs