Things are changing in my life. Everything for the better. Thank you all of my family and friends for your support in making a very important decision. I realized that the relationship I was in just wasn't working, and even though it was one of the hardest things I've done, I ended it on Friday. Things have been very hard, and I've been pretty emotional, but that can be expected after a 3 year relationship.
I'm excited to move on in my life! All sorts of doors are opening for me, doors that I had closed off to myself if I would have stayed in the same situation. I will not ever forget the past three years, the bond that I developed, or the memories. It's something that will always be with me.
Soooooooo I need to go out and make friends and start NEW relationships with people. I think that I may join an indoor soccer league up here, however I'm putting the word out that I am available to be set up should anyone feel they would like to introduce me to people hint hint. I'm trying to find distractions to keep my mind off of the hurt and pain I feel while time heals my wounds. I'll move on and become a stronger person, there's no way I can't!
So once again thank you to my family for their support, and to my girlfriends for showing me an amazing time this weekend. You guys really are so awesome!