Well! upon weigh in this morning I was very surprised to find that I dropped another 2.4 pounds!!! But let me back up to last night. I showed my extra room to a few people (both seemed interested) and then I made ginger garlic tofu for dinner-- now the recipe called for WAAYYY too much ginger, but the whole meal was less than 90 calories so I figured I'd just never do it again! (though I made double so I could have left overs for lunch today so I'll have to suck it up once again). I went to bed wondering how my weight would be in the morning. Okay now back to this morning... After weigh in and a shower, my door bell rang. It was Tim. We had a long talk on Sunday and I guess this was the next step. He took the rest of his things that he had brought BACK after he moved out the first time. And he left me his key.... Now I'm still pretty dang sad about the love of my past 2 years being gone, and honestly still cry a bit every time I think about it. But this is what I wanted right? I'm the one who told him to make up his damn mind. At first I was excited to get back out in the world and just be me! I've been told that I need to focus not on all of the good times we had right now, but focus on how I've grown as a person, and where I'm going. So that's it! Single again after 2 years, really not looking forward to getting back in the dating scene- so that may take a while. But I AM excited to begin my new life, and not letting the real Amanda get lost in this crazy world. But still super excited about the loss of 10.5 pounds!!! My pants are already starting to not fit, my face looks thinner, and even my bra fits a TAD better (which is GREAT news because I can start shopping at Vicky's secret again!)
So with life comes ups and downs, but the only thing I can do is learn from the downs, and learn how to enjoy the ups even better!
Day:::::::::::::::::::::: 7(well technically day 7 begins at 5 pm tonight)
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 182.6
difference::::::::::::: -10.4 lbs


Bearden Family said...

Amanda I am so happy for you. I think you have a lot to look forward to. Love you!