Well here we are, more than halfway through this diet. IT'S GETTIN OLD!! And I had a very very very slow weekend so I'm not feelin much motivation right now- but the rest of the week went pretty well, still managed to lose over 4 pounds this week. I'm on a downhill drive from here so that's what's pushin me onwards. Not much happened this week at all, but I'm looking forward to the long weekend coming up. WAHOO!! Oh and I officially can fit into size 12's (but I only have one pair and they're pretty dark so I stick to my 14's with a belt for now). So! Here are the stats!!
Day:::::::::::::::::::::: 26
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 165.8
difference::::::::::::: -27.2 lbs


Bearden Family said...

Way to go Amanda. I am glad it is going so well for you!