Well I'll start off by saying I had a very slow week... and a GAIN of 2.5 pounds one day (but that's because I actually ate some food because I was SOOOOOO sick and my body just needed more!) A total loss of 3.2 pounds- which honestly ISN'T bad, but it's no where near where I should be! I was sick starting Monday and by Wednesday it had just gotten worse. I'm finally feeling almost 100% better. Nothing big happened at all this week, but I did measure myself, and I've lost over 10 inches around my waste, over 5 around my hips, and about 5 everywhere else (minus arms-- those are 2 inches lost each). So! Here are my stats!

Day:::::::::::::::::::::: 26 (I decided that I REALLY am on day 26)
Starting weight:::::: 193
Current weight:::::: 170.0
difference::::::::::::: -23 lbs